Scholarly Authority Scholarly Authority

 | Post date: 2019/08/31 | 
“Scholarly authority” is a term used for the first time by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution about Imam Sadiq University in a meeting with students, faculty members, staff and management of ISU in 2005. He noted, "You should create a movement in science, you should create a movement in the world's higher education and bring forward developments that benefit the scientific foundation of the country. It is your top mission. You should train our Muslim scientists to gain expertise and master opinions and ideas existing around the world only to spread the most noteworthy of the bulk. You are not bound to set your goal around gaining high rankings among local universities in Tehran or other cities, but you should turn into a leading scientific body among the world's research centers and universities.
Nowadays even in this ill-advised western world, many people seek the truth. A great number of scientists and researchers also try to find the right path of logic.
When a person seeks the truth in scientific issues from any part of the world such as Europe, Asia and American countries, he/she should be able to find his/her scientific work featured on websites (you should already provide him/her with your own scientific work). In so doing, you show your own innovative thoughts and ideas. This is what we expect from Imam Sadiq University. ISU's Alumni should have this mentality and viewpoint."

Source: Official website of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution

Scholarly authorities in selective science field should know where science frontier is. What are basic questions? Another aspect of collecting knowledge is that the getting together of outstanding professors of that scientific field (who asks questions and main responders). This (gathering knowledge (science) and scientist) could be happen by having effective presence in world’s authority network and having strong relation (connection) with them.
When we choose scholarly authority slogan for our university it is necessary to have relation with the world outside and it is One of the criteria that is introduced when we talk about (want to be) scholarly authority.
So scholarly authority by its nature means international relation and interaction because university product (science and scientist) should have relative advantage to be chosen in competition with other product.
Reference is the first pillar of scholarly authority. It means that others should refers to it and use(utilize) its answers and solutions or questions and issues. So reference criteria have application here (the application of reference criteria revealed here) so scholarly authority should provide simple and better access to its own product for others and this will make the scholarly authority to be recognized better and make it famous for people.
Authority has three levels: fundamental authority policy making authority and practical authority and it is obvious that in all three levels it is necessary to have interaction and relation with scientific centers.
In the(at) first level, the fundamental authority, fundamental sentences(propositions) and basic speeches are produced we are not going to find the answer of issues in this level but we must produce answer and present solution by referring to them. (but there is no way to produce answer and present solutions except by referring to them) such as methodology and philosophy of science. So at this level authority is at the depth of scientific field. Scientific and research centers and also researchers are the audience for this level. There are a few universities that are(work) in this level. And if we choose such level and work in that level, then we can really create authority(reference).
The second level of authority is policy making. In this level solutions and answers that are consistent with our ideals are produced. The special characteristic of the proposition(sentences) in this level is their goal aiming direction (is that they are toward the goals).   In this level we produce answers and present solution in controlled and directed and guided way.  Like the system of Islamic banking, comprehensive plan of media in Islamic countries. In fact, it is level that the strategic researches and studies are conducted in that. And the audiences of this level are policy making centers.
The third level of authority is practical authority. In this level there are answers and solutions for new (recent) questions and issues. In this level there in no difference between universities because all the universities try to respond(fix) to people’s needs and issues.  The authorities in this level is in the surface of that scientific field. So it is practical and because of that we are witness of giving supports and facilities to universities in this level and it will affect the society in visible manner. Most of the universities are in this level. And the of ranking best 500 universities is based on their situation in this level.
There are four characteristics for scholarly authorities and they have something in common that is active international communication and interaction and also it is necessary condition for their achievement.
  1. Scientific initiate trends (ignite meaningful trends): scholarly authority has answers for questions and solutions for issues. Some of the characteristics of scholarly authority is quality and strength of scientific answers simplicity and quickness of representing being timely and the quantity(plentitude) of answers.
  2. Supremeness(wisdom): scholarly authority is most knowledgeable institution in the selective scientific field. This thing will recall every person that seek for knowledge toward scholarly authority. There is scientific movement in scholarly authority that collect all the related knowledge form everywhere and everybody. Scholarly authorities in selective science field should know where science frontier is. What are basic questions? And which issue or matter does our rival concentrate on (work for)? Another aspect of collecting knowledge is that the getting together of outstanding professors of that scientific field (who asks questions and main responders). This (gathering knowledge (science) and scientist) could be happen by having effective presence in world’s authority network and having strong relation (connection) with them.
  3. Front-running: scholarly authority should expand (move change) science frontier. Scholarly authority change(break) the forms (styles) and expand science frontier with the innovation that comes from scientific power (strength) and courage. In fact, creating paradigms of scholarly authority comes from this concept. What makes the scholarly authority attractive and popular are the creativity innovation and revelation(creation) of new paradigm.

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