Tehran metropolis is made up of many regions and neighborhoods, each with varying factors, spirits, and pros and cons. ISU's students will not have a difficult time finding their path to the university. The campus has provided all they need for their everyday commutes. Furthermore, the area around the ISU is a safe and family-friendly neighborhood with access to malls and department stores just a few minutes from the campus.
Sa'adat Abad is a rich neighborhood located in northwestern Tehran. It is close to some of the beautiful recreational places such as Darake and Farahzad where hundreds of people typically go to have a quality time with their families and friends, savoring good food and fresh air with a green surrounding coupled with the traditional Iranian design for different cafés and restaurants. ISU’s buildings are of the oldest constructions in the neighborhood and the university is deeply rooted in there. Also, people from all over the neighborhood participate in public events held at university such as religious ceremonies and political events.
There are other great educational centers around ISU such as Allame Tabatabayee University and Al-Zahra University, providing outstanding opportunities for different students to interact and take part in different programs parallel to those at ISU.