
 | تاریخ ارسال: 2020/09/9 | 
A brief history

Establishment of the University
Imam Sadiq University was founded in ١٩٨٣ AD (١٣٦١ solar AH; ١٤٠٢ lunar AH) concurrent with the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Sadiq (PBUH) and was presided by Imam Khomeini’s devoted student and disciple, Ayatollah Mahdavi-Kani.

The initial thought behind the foundation of Imam Sadiq (PBUH) University comes from before the Islamic revolution.  Shah’s prisons served as a good opportunity to gather the great figures of the opposition against Iran&#٣٩;s monarch together and help them put their ideas for founding an Islamic university into practice after being released.

Some key opposition figures such as Martyr Ayatollah Motahari, Martyr Bahonar, Martyr Beheshti and Ayatollah Mahdavi-Kani were friends and militants typically thinking about the movement&#٣٩;s future after its victory. Thus, before the victory of the Islamic Revolution they even drafted the charter for this center, but it was more than evident that the Pahlavi regime would not give the permission for establishing such a thing.

A few years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, as the country’s crisis was about to ease off in ١٩٨٢, those revolutionary friends decided to implement their idea.  Imam Sadiq University was officially inaugurated as the first university after the Islamic Revolution and Cultural Revolution -- a period when Iranian universities were temporarily shut down from ١٩٧٩ to١٩٨٣ and the first intake for new students was in February.
The university’s founding members were the same companions who had fought for revolution , namely Ayatollah Khamenei and top Shia clerics Meshkini, Mahdavi-Kani, Amini, Imami-Kashani, Noori-Hamedani and other figures like Israfilian, Navid, Khanian and the late Moeen. The board of trustees was chaired by the late Ayatollah Montazeri before he had been dismissed as Deputy to the Leader.


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